Present turns to future

It’s said that all actions have consequences, and cuts in the present will turn to scars in the future, a permanent mark on you… The Earth and whole society on it are changing as we progress to the future. The humanity is going to fall.

It took us thousands of years to discover wheel, then compass and gunpowder and another thousand for printing machines and computers and even in that colossal amount of time we yet progressed so little. Unlike nowadays where cool and helpful discoveries are made every month or even a week! We are developing fast, but at what cost? All that factories, all that oil and pollution, deforestation and with that loss of natural habitats that lead to extinction.

Some people are woke and can clearly see where we are going, sadly that “some” people are one in many who don’t care and don’t even see what will happened. They all know to look in the future and forget the past but they only look tomorrow and next week, they don’t look truth the real future. But of course they all just look at their lives well why wouldn’t they? I don’t blame them they are just living their lives on this wonderful world, but… Will there be any world in the future…?

Think about this. Everyone more-less imagens the same future. Tall white buildings floating cars bright sky blue lights everything is white, so white that you can even see your reflection during the night. Tall and strong robots and small weak yet helpful ones live in harmony with humans, on every highway there are trees surrounding them, so, so many green trees. Everything is floating with some kind of magnetic power field. Clothes are rubber white tracksuits and phones turned to bright blue mid-air flying screens that you can control with just a touch with your finger. Food is precious, tasty, green and healthy. Cities are surrounded by forests of birch and oak and even more of evergreen tall pines.

You probably noticed that I am using mostly 3 colors: white, blue and green. It all sound like a paradise. Everything is so nice and clean, a perfect utopia… Now think about brown and gray. Dirt, mud no plant in site you can hardly see an iron pole few steps ahead of all this ugly smoke, you can’t breathe, you can’t feel any life. There will be no more life. Earth will turn dark. Only that sour smell of cement and stinging smell of rubbish will remain. Sand. There is only sand for kilometers not a living animal in sight only Radiation filling empty spaces. There are no friendly robots, only war machines made of rusty metal. No peace, only battle for survival, search for clear water. Oceans turned green, so full of waste and toxic that even they, the ones who represent free will and life turned into dark green meaning emptiness and death. Houses and cities torn down, wind blows tumbleweeds where once great forests used to stand. It’s extremely hot outside. Ozon layer turned weak Sun became number one killer in the world, right after dehydration and ancient viruses that rose from melted ice of Arctic and struck world by surprise. Seems like a real apocalypse…because it will be

We have two paths, two destinies. We can act now and relax later, or relax now or struggle later, and I personally prefer the first option. Many actions can decide of this two paths and the biggest is caring for our Earth, because it is the only one and no traveling to another planet won’t be that easy nor fast. So… it would be for the best if you acted now, you know what you have to do. Biggest threats are plastic, habitat loss, oil and all that radiation and poisonous gases from factories. Artificial light is also a big problem and much, much more. But overall pollution of our Earth is the biggest is the biggest. If we all do something about this problem we sure can solve it quickly. Now, are you rather for utopia or Apocalypse.