Read carefully

Author: Stella Juranek, III.gimnazija Osijek

Dear you,

This morning I woke up and told myself ” Today will be different, it has to be”. Why, you ask ? Because I’m sick of it. I can’t take this anymore. I’ve reached the point where everything looks and feels the same. Don’t feel like I am writing this to make you feel uncomfortable because I have been through a lot of things and felt the way people never should, but unfortunately some of them will. I am writing this to express how I feel about everything, about life and different life paths I took at some point of my life. I don’t feel like I know everything like some kind of wise man but I need to satisfy this need to say something, to change something, to be heard. So shall I begin?

You should never feel ashamed of your actions because they are yours and only yours. I don’t want when you look back in time to say that your life is a big ‘why did I do that moment’ because you shouldn’t be ashamed but proud about making them. Maybe you have done the things you should have never done, but there is no turning back and running from it. Bite until the end. Fight for yourself even though you know that the thing you’re doing isn’t completely the right one. If you feel like saying something rude, better don’t because you never know who could hear you saying it and it will lead you to the awkward circumstances and positions you don’t want to be in. If somebody isn’t treating you the way you want to be treated, the way you deserve to be treated, fight for yourself because that’s the smallest thing you can do for yourself. Make yourself feel worthy without bowing your head and being quiet for a very long time. Try to avoid gossip because what other people say about you doesn’t matter. What matters is what YOU think. If you feel like somebody isn’t showing you love with grand gestures, it’s okay because love isn’t about grand gestures or the moon and the stars. It’s just dumb luck. Maybe you will meet someone who feels the same way about you like you feel about them. Always be yourself because you’re going to be hurt either way by million things. Isn’t it better to be hurt like your true self? And who is going to be you if you don’t want to be you? You should always advise people and yes, some of them will listen but other as always, won’t and they will most certainly tell you to mind your own business, but help them anyway because it’s one of the greatest things about you, your knowledge and experience you want to share with that person. Like I said; share your experience and your life story or otherwise it is wasted. Don’t freak out right now but here comes the though part. You are now in the “stage of transition” as I like to call it. You are entering the grownups and mature world where you will find and see a lot of injustice and, I know what you’re thinking right now, I agree with you, that life isn’t fair, at all, but no matter what, you have to mind your own business and hope that you will feel stronger and not be mad about it as much as you were the first time it happened. You need to realize that your life could be gone in a moment. There are no guarantees that you will be here at this time next year, Learn to live each day to the fullest. Don’t complain. Don’t focus on what’s wrong. Be grateful for the opportunity to experience each day. And no matter what, just be yourself! I feel like I have to underline that word and say it a few more times just to make sure you heard it and understood it.

Dear me,

I feel completely insane writing this, but I must finish what I’ve started. This letter is a message to myself. I need to tell myself this because no one else will. I want you to be happy, to live in the moment. I want you not to expect for things to always turn out your way. If life turned out the way we expected, what would be the point of living it, right? Be prepared for everything and anything because you don’t know what will happen next. Don’t bother writing down your emotions, express them. Love, hate, hurt, fight because that’s what life is all about. I don’t know what awaits me in the future, but I hope that for once in my lifetime I’ll follow my own advice. I want you to learn from your mistakes because it’s your life to live. And last but not the least; I want you to enjoy life and live it to the fullest. Hopefully everything will be alright in the future and remember that everything happens for a reason!

Good luck me!

Love, ______ ❤