
Author: Elena Jagnjić, Ekonomsko-birotehnička škola Slavonski Brod

– Honey, you’ve got mail. – Mom smiled and gave me a plain white envelope. Weird. I wasn’t expecting a letter or anything. Who would even write to me? She left the room and I sat on my chair inspecting the envelope. It was a plain white one, no return address and there was something. A red mark on it saying chosen. Chosen for what? Was it another scam? I opened it and …

Huh. That was unexpected. I started to read it. The person who wrote it had to be in a hurry. Words were scrambled but the letter was getting weird, it gave me anxiety. And believe me, the more I read, the more I was scared.

Hello, hi. I know you don’t know me. You don’t need to know me. Please do not throw this away! It is very important for you to read this! They said you’re a kid of hope, you are reasonable. You are our only hope now. I am sending you a letter from the future. Please, don’t stop reading, I am trapped here. You need to save us from this, you need to save the world, kid, be a hero. I can’t tell you much about me, but when you save all of us, then we might meet. Listen, kid… The future isn’t like you expected. It was predicted with flying cars, better payment, virtual school and other more absurd things. I have always been against that but, God help me; I wish it were like that. Right now, I am one of the few ones. The ones that managed to escape from the controlling man. I am hiding with my people; we are running and trying everything to stay alive because they are after us.

On this particular day, the revolution will start. Things will start to change. It was the same for me, but I was too late. I didn’t follow the instructions, but you have to be ready to do what it takes. Please, do not ignore this as some stupid scam! I assure you, it’s not.

As expected, we’ve got flying cars. Of course, the government has been doing everything behind our backs. They had flying cars years ago, they had pills instead of food, they had something scarier than nuclear weapons, but they all kept it from us because they wanted to ruin us. My day started in a usual way, as yours did, too. Except, I didn’t get a letter. I didn’t get help. All I had were my legs and my dad’s revolver for protection.

There are these people and a man in black. They call him King, the Man in black or even Boogeyman. No one really knows his true identity, he hides behind a mask because he is too weak and I am sure you can take him down. His men were going from home to home in a van, saying they have vitamins and you have to take them. They said those were free samples because there was some epidemic going on that no one had ever heard of. If you didn’t take the pill they would force it right through your throat. Do you know what was in the pill? A chip. When you swallow it, it attaches to your insides and they have all of your information including all-time contact.

Not even your homes are safe, they installed secret cameras and watch through cameras on your technological devices. Food changed in the supermarkets. Everything has a plain odd taste but, as they say, it is very nutritious. Every week we have home checks and they force their way in so they can see if anyone is planning anything against them. But the thing is – nobody can. Humans don’t even have connections anymore, they were brainwashed. No one has their own mind, no one has connections. Even families parted. It was heart-breaking to watch. Everyone had their guns and knives. No one knew about friends because there were none. Only enemies. Only bullets flying through areas. Many parts of the town were destroyed or fell apart. Mostly rich people managed to escape and save themselves because, well, they could afford it. The sad truth is that some of them knew what was going to happen and were giving money to help the government. They let the whole world down and now our poor children will never have the opportunity to live happily or to get real education, to learn languages of the world or create many new things.

So, I am begging you to save us. Save us from this darkness! You don’t have much time, whoever you are. There are more of you who received the letter and you need to meet up. Today you will have time to prepare. You will receive packages with equipment to fight. To run away. Be quick, make a plan and when they come to give you the vitamin, run, hide. Just don’t be at home. Don’t let them take you away alive; never let them get you alive. And be the hero even if it means you have to die. Be the hero for our kids and for a better future. Get the controlling man down and rescue the world. May God be with you all.

Yours truly, a fallen savior

And right when I finished reading it, I started to shake. Suddenly, I heard a loud punch. A box flew into my room. Someone broke the window. I was in a state of shock. On the box, it said tricks and tips. I realized this is real. This is happening and there is no turning back.