The life of a new girl

Author: Agata Štajcer, OŠ Vladimira Vidrića, Kutina

”Are you still in bed Naja? Come and help us pack.” said Mrs.La Fone. The La Fone family was moving to New York City. Naja was so sad she was still in bed. Her mother, father and little brother Niko were packing.”Come down for breakfast.” said Mr. La Fone. Naja got dressed and came down for breakfast, then she started to pack. In no time she was done with packing.” There, that’s everything on the list!” Naja told her mom.” Well, that’s not all.” said Mrs. La Fone.’ I bought you a new backpack for school. The backpack was black with purple letters that spelt ‘NAJA’. Then they climbed into the van and drove away to New York City.

When they arrived at their new house, Naja could see that it was bigger and way better then the house they had before. Naja’s mouth opened when she saw it. When they came in, on their right was the kitchen table and counter. On their left was a huge TV screen on the wall and a cool shaped couch. Then all the way to the end of the house was a staircase on the left and on the right which led to a small floor from staircase to staircase. On that floor were three doors. One door led to Naja’s, the second to her brother’s and the third to her parents’ bedroom. The doors that were underneath the floor were either a guest bedroom, a bathroom or a storage room. This house is the best house ever thought Naja. It had a garden in front, and at the back was a big backyard with a treehouse. Underneath the treehouse was a doghouse. Naja was confused.”Why a doghouse, mom?” asked Naja.” Oh, didn’t I tell you. We are going to get a dog.”answered Naja’s mom. When Naja got to her room, she couldn’t believe her eyes. It was the room she always dreamed about. Then she went downstairs to get her boxes. She stacked them on top of each other and carried them upstairs. When she was going up, she couldn’t carry them anymore because they were too heavy so she slipped, rolled down and heard a loud BOOM. When her parents heard it, they ran straight to her. Her head heart a lot. After a while, she found herself in the bed in the middle of the night. Everything she saw was spinning. She fell asleep again. In the morning she found a backpack lying on the floor. She got out of her bed, and went downstairs. She was feeling better already. Mom, dad, and her brother Niko were sitting at the dining room table eating cereal. They were happy she could join them for breakfast. Naja sat down and started eating.After that, she got ready for school. When she was done, mom gave her a ride to school. It was the first day of school and Naja was nervous because she was going to be the only girl in class. When they arrived, the school was huge. It had grades from pre school to high school. Naja went straight to class. There teacher was Mrs. Deny. She was awesome. When it was recess, Naja asked some boys if she could play with them.” You can’t” said the oldest. Naja wasn’t expecting that answer. She couldn’t tell the teacher because she was busy.” Listen! I don’t know who told you that I can’t play with you.” she said.” Well, we don’t want to play with you”. said one.” I’ll tell on you as soon as we get in.” said Naja. Nobody wanted to play with her except a girl from another class. When recess finished, Naja went straight to the teacher.” Mrs. Deny. There were these boys who were mean to me. They told me I couldn’t play with them.”” What are you talking about, sweatheart? What boys?” asked Mrs. Deny. Naja pointed to the boys.” You boys, into the hall.”ordered the teacher.” So?” asked Mrs. Deny. Naja explained that the boys were mean to her.Now that Mrs. Deny knows, thought Naja, everything will be ok. Naja went back to her desk. The day went fast and Naja finally went home.” How was school?” asked mom.” Well, there were boys that were mean to me. I just told the teacher.” said Naja. Her mom was mad, but also happy that Naja kept smiling.

When she came to school the next day, the boys were at the door.” What now?” asked Naja. She was surprised that the boys gave their apologies. The boys also told Naja that they were jealous because she was unique. Naja told them that they don’t have to be jealous, and explained that everyone is special in there own way. From that day on, Naja wasn’t just some new girl…