Greater than Mistakes You’ve Made

Author: Marica Jakljević Dubiel, Ekonomsko-birotehnička škola Slavonski Brod

Movies we watch and books we read,
Opinions we have, people we need,
Opportunities encountered
In challenges we take,
Adventures to explore,
Experience to carry
Through changes we make.
The things WE choose to be
WE build ourselves,
WE decide what the rest of the world will see!

I d e n t i t y –
The most unique bit everybody has.
Don’t ever be afraid
Of the negative looks you might get.
Not all feet take the same steps.
Building yourself to please others
Will often displease you.
Make yourself the person
YOU want to be.

Your Identity grows as YOU grow.
It is colourful, dazzling, frightening.
It’s an unsteady, ongoing thing.
It changes, makes mistakes.
Once YOU are satisfied with it, other people must see it.
Some will dislike it, others undermine it,
Make you question it.
Remember: Hide and Seek is a kids’ game.
Be brave, stand up for yourself,
There will always be the ones who’ll love it!

Never ever try too much
To win over those who dislike you.
Instead, love yourself and let them go.
As they leave,
Notice if the good things you miss
Outnumber the bad you don’t
And your heart will know
You have made the right decision.
Our thoughts should be shared,
Our opinios respected, our feelings appreciated!

Deciding to put yourself in a wonderful place like that
Can be life changing.
Focus on people who want you to be happy!
Surround yourself with those
Who accept your flaws and love them,
People who forgive you when you make mistakes,
The ones who’ll stay by your side
Even if you’ve hurt them or let them down
Just because they know
You are greater than mistakes you’ve made.