English all around 2017


Celebrating passion for English …

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Zašto English All Around?

Logo plaviPrivatna umjetnička gimnazija osmislila je festival English all around – Celebrating passion for English nastavljajući kategorije ranijeg natjecanja English in Action. Iskustvo učeničkog sudjelovanja na natjecanju, učenja i druženja željeli smo osnažiti i promicati kako bi i nove generacije mogle pokazati sve svoje talente, znanja, sposobnosti i vještine na engleskom jeziku te maksimalno uživati učeći i upoznajući svoje vršnjake iz cijele Hrvatske.

Pet godina sudjelovanja u natjecanju Engleski u akciji bio je dovoljan motiv da nastavimo promicati engleski jezik među učenicima u Republici Hrvatskoj nakon što je organizator odgodio natjecanje do daljnjega.

Svi učenici osnovnih i srednjih škola mogu sudjelovati u bilo kojem od ponuđenih izazova: Film, Glazba, Priča, Drama, Govorenje i Sricanje.

Why English All Around?

Private High School for Arts has created the festival English All around – Celebrating passion for English continuing in the spirit of the categories of the earlier competition English in Action. We decided to strengthen and promote the experience of our students who participated in English in Action competition in the previous years, who learnt and interacted with their peers as well as the judges. That is why English All Around has been created – to enable new generations to show their talents, knowledge and skills in the English language, fully enjoying learning while spending time with their peers from all over Croatia.

Five years of participation in the competition English in Action was enough of an incentive to continue promoting English among the students in Croatia, after the English in Action organizer had cancelled the competition.

All primary and secondary school students can participate in any of the following challenges: Movie, Music, Story, Drama, Speaking, and Spelling.

Zašto Privatna umjetnička gimnazija kao organizator?

LogoNakon višegodišnjeg sudjelovanja na natjecanju Engleski u akciji rastužila nas je vijest da se natjecanje odgađa na neodređeno vrijeme. Naši su učenici uvijek vrlo zainteresirani za prilike da pokažu svoju kreativnost i vještine, a smatrali smo da je potrebno očuvati manifestaciju koja će učenicima osnovnih i srednjih škola omogućiti uživanje u engleskome jeziku i pokazivanje svojih radova kao krunu talenta i truda u nastavi i izvan nje.

Zato smo odlučili da se i ove godine učenici i njihovi mentori okupe i proslave tu strast koju gaje za engleskim.

Shvatili smo da u našem svakodnevnom radu, kroz brojne kontakte s uglednicima i institucijama širom Hrvatske možemo stvoriti sve potrebne preduvjete da se ovakav festival može uspješno održati. Zahvaljujemo ovom prilikom svima koji pomažu festival!


Why Private High School for Arts as the organiser?

After several years of participating in English in Action competition, we were saddened by the news that the competition was cancelled. Our students have always been interested in showing their creativity and skills, and we thought that it was necessary to continue with a competition that will enable primary and secondary school students enjoy the English language and show their work as a crown of talent and hard work in and out of class.

That is why this year we have decided to gather students and their mentors in order to celebrate their passion for English together.

We have realized that in our everyday work, through many contacts with experts and institutions all around Croatia, we can create the necessary preconditions for organising such a festival successfully. We hereby thank everyone for helping us with our Festival!


Zašto “Održivi turizam za razvoj” kao ovogodišnja tema?

hgfdTema je u skladu s UN-ovim proglašenjem 2017. godine Međunarodnom godinom održivog turizma za razvoj

„UN prepoznaje i naglašava važnost međunarodnog turizma u okviru veće osviještenosti o bogatom nasljeđu različitih civilizacija, kao i boljeg razumijevanja raznovrsnih kultura i njima svojstvenih vrijednosti.“

Ne treba zaboraviti niti da Republika Hrvatska gotovo jednu petinu svog Bruto nacionalnog dohotka ostvaruje upravo od turizma, a da je za daljnji uspješan razvoj izuzetno važno očuvanje prirodnih i kulturnih dobara koja su upravo predmet interesa turista.

Tema je vrlo široka te pruža učenicima mnogo mogućnosti da se izraze kroz film, glazbu, tekst, predstavu i govor, a samim time predstave svoj grad i regiju. Također, na ovaj način mogu progovoriti o brojnim izazovima, neriješenim pitanjima te daljnjim mogućnostima vlastitoga razvoja.

Why “Sustainable tourism for development” as the main theme this year?

The theme is in concordance with the UN’s announcement of 2017 as the International year of sustainable tourism for development.

„The importance of international tourism, and particularly of the designation of an international year of sustainable tourism for development, in fostering better understanding among peoples everywhere, in leading to a greater awareness of the rich heritage of various civilizations and in bringing about a better appreciation of the inherent values of different cultures, thereby contributing to the strengthening of peace in the world.“

We shouldn’t forget that Croatia receives one fifth of its GDP from tourism, and that for further successful development it is extremely important that we conserve our natural and cultural heritage, which are exactly the point of our tourists’ interest.

The theme is very broad and it gives students the opportunity to express themselves through movie, music, text, speech and a play, thus representing their town and region. Furthermore, in this way they can speak up about many challenges, unsolved questions and further opportunities for self-growth.


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